The «Crafting Sparks» competition’s jury has transmitted the results to the editor board of the Funkenflug on 4th November. The Funkenflug will publish all submissions of the participants in order of the ranking in the next days. The Funkenflug was organizer of the competition and got help and support through Cordovan and the managment with rewards and prizes.
Mereden, Colcalad.
In September and October the Funkenflug organized a competition called «Crafting Sparkle». In this contest the self-made decoration combined with a pet has to be described within a story or an essay. The requests were not easy to fulfill, but four intersted persons submitted their input to the jury. Although participation is more important than a win, the inputs are very different and with high quality.
The jury met on October and watched carefully all the submissions. Lilienfee, Beuno, Noldofinwe, Kaity und Colcalad evaluated all inputs and let them be guided from the idea/originality, creativity/expense, quality, the selection of medias and a personal impression. These values led then to a ranking.
As mentioned four participants joined the contest. In a cronological order: Byrnhilt, Nayel, Fymela and Gaerit. The final results were very high and close too: 7, 8.37, 8,67 and 9,27. All inputs have been evaluated as good or excellent.
In the next few days all the participants with their submissions will be presented on the Funkenflug. This will happen in ordert of the ranking. The editor board of the Funkenflug thanks all the partcipants, the jury members and all who shared some advertisements for this competition. A special thank goes to Cordovan and Standing Stone Game for the rewards and prizes they donated to this contest. Next year in the autumn will start a new competition with this title.
Picture: Craftsmen have been in the spot of this contest «Crafting Sparkle» © Colcalad